Helping people live safe at home

This is Marie. She lived happily at home with dementia. We are building CONJA because of Marie, to help people like her live safe at home and bring peace of mind to their loved ones.

Feeling safe is a fundamental human need

It is essential for both our mental and physical well-being. Feeling secure and free from fear or anxiety helps us to live well.

Unfortunately too many people are not living safe at home.

Conja makes the home safe

CONJA is a Remote Home Risk Assessment and Modification Tool that identifies hazards in the home such as poor lighting, slippery surfaces, trip hazards, uneven surfaces, unsafe or unsuitable fixtures and furniture and fire hazards.

It then reports on modifications that need to be made to make the home safe.

And it does all of this remotely, on an iPhone!

Conja can be programmed to analyse and assess much more, as required. See our case studies below:

See how Conja can help you be sure you, your loved ones or your clients are living safe at home

Conja in action measuring and assessing the home

Development partners

Providing the tools to help make people safe at home, Conja is addressing some of the most critical issues in modern health.

If you would like to be a part of this journey, get in touch and we’ll see how we can work together.